October is Global Diversity Awareness Month, and if you’re a CEO, it’s a perfect time to “walk the walk” when it comes to being an advocate for your organization’s diversity, equity and inclusion efforts. While actions do speak louder than words, words themselves also have power. Knowing the language of DEI, and incorporating that language into your conversations with your employees, is crucial. Here are the 14 DEI terms that every CEO needs to know.
Diversity: Diversity encompasses all the ways we are different. Our age, sex, ethnicity, race, sexual orientation and our genetic health are things we have from birth. These are aspects of ourselves we cannot change.
Equity: Equity and equality are not the same things. An environment of equity is one where everyone gets the resources and support that meet their unique needs, enabling them to access the same opportunities as everyone else. Equity starts from where the individual currently is, rather than starting from the same point for everyone.
Inclusion: An environment of inclusion is an environment where everyone can thrive. It is where everyone feels included, valued and respected and where they can bring their authentic selves to work.
Unconscious bias: Our brain is hit with 10-11 million pieces of information at any given time. We can really only understand about 50 pieces of information at any moment, and we can only remember seven. Because we are not able to process all this information consciously, our brain takes shortcuts to process and categorize this information. It creates an image or stereotype, positive or negative, based on all these pieces of information and impressions. When we meet someone, we often take an impression or stereotype that already exists in our brain and subconsciously use it to understand that person.
Microaggressions: Microaggressions, in a sense, are a result of unconscious bias. The stereotypes mentioned above may spur us to act toward others in ways that may seem innocuous to us — if we even think about them at all. When we compliment a person of color on their English-speaking ability, for example, we do so based on the assumption that English isn’t their first language.
Colorblind: This is a phrase that many people use to say “I treat everyone the same way.” However, failing to recognize the color of someone’s skin — and how that may have influenced their life experiences — essentially means you’re not actually seeing others, and thus failing to acknowledge diversity.
Gender pronouns: Pronouns let people decide how they want to be identified. Using gender pronouns is also a way for people to show their support of different gender expressions. For example: he/him/his, she/her/hers, they/them/their.
Privilege: Privilege exists when a group of individuals have something because they belong to that group. An individual is not guilty of doing something wrong by having this privilege or advantage. Rather, the issue comes when it positions one group that has it over another group that does not.
Systemic racism: Systemic or structural racism is when racism is embedded into the structures of our society, working environment, government and organizations.
Discrimination: Discrimination is the unjust or prejudicial treatment of different groups of people.
Isms: Racism, sexism, classism, ageism, heterosexism — it’s important to understand that discrimination takes many forms. In the workplace, these are often subtle. It could manifest as women being interrupted by their male colleagues during meetings or older candidates who apply for a job being passed over for younger candidates.
Structural inequity: Structural inequity occurs when bias (not just racism) is rooted into the structures of society — legal, educational, professional and others — and gives certain groups an advantage and marginalizes or discriminates against other groups.
Multicultural competency: Those who possess multicultural competency acknowledge and value diversity and the worldviews that come with it, and possess interpersonal skills that reflect that value.
Ally: This term might just be the hardest to fully define because it encompasses so many different elements. Put simply, an ally makes an active, conscious and consistent effort to promote a culture of inclusion through thoughts, words and actions.
As a CEO, knowing the important language of DEI will help you establish your credibility as you guide your company’s DEI efforts. But just as important, when you make the effort to fully understand and embrace the meaning behind these terms, you demonstrate your empathy — a vital component of being a true ally.