Follow the adventures of now teenage twins Maya and Rajan as they explore the fascinating world around them. They combine their passion for travel with their hobbies and extracurricular activities as they expand their horizons on an almost daily basis. Use their adventurous to spur you to find your own adventurous side.
Arts & Crafts
Sewing Pillowcases for CHOC Children's Hospital
Learning to Make a Hawaiian Flower Lei
DIY Reusable Washable Non-surgical Masks
Hells Canyon! Snake River! Animals! Rapids!
Launching Rockets during Roctober at Lake Lucerne Dry Lake Bed
The Fire Dance at a Hawaiian Luau in Kauai
Seeing the rare and endangered Hawaiian Monk Seal in Kauai
Witnessing the Hawaiian Green Sea Turtle in Kauai
Maya and Rajan Go to El Matador State Beach
Maya and Rajan go Whale Watching in Dana Point
Maya and Rajan go to Joshua Tree National Park
California kids meet the snow!
Rajan Cooks Veggie Enchiladas…Yum!